This integration module aims at transfer of data saved in quickbooks to OpenERP. The following applications is used for this purpose
a) Quickbook Web Connecter
b) PHP DevKit from Consolibyte
a). Quickbook Web Connecter
The Quickbooks web connector is a software runs on Microsoft Windows that enables specially designed web based applications to exchange data with Quickbook products.
b). PHP DevKit from Consolibyte
It is an independent application that keeps data in a MySQL DB and keep the data in synchronization with quickbooks with the calls from web connector
Quickbooks web connector is a connection between quickbooks and OpenERP. Basically a SOAP server/ web service is created. The web connector is installed on the machine running quickbooks, and polls the web service. The web service can respond with qbxml requests which tells the web connector to do specific actions .The web connector then relays these requests to quickbooks. Quickbooks processes them and response is relayed back to the web service. The web service may process the request and send the next request to the web connector
The interface of web connector is shown below.
Fig1: quickbook web connecter(QBWC)
As shown in figure ,the web connector service can be automated ,here the service is automated to run every 3 minutes.
The various configurations made in OpenERP are,
a). Connection settings
b). Scheduler
Connection settings are the connection to the MySQL database from which the data is to be mapped . The connection is shown below.
Fig 2: OpenERP connection page
Fig 3: OpenERP scheduling
The OpenERP scheduler is configured to run in specified intervels, for the execution of import code.
Fig4: Create customer interface in quickbooks
Fig 4, depicts the created customer interface of quickbooks.
The OpenERP interface for mapping customers is given below,
Fig5: OpenERP interface for customer mapping
As shown in Fig 5, the fields marked in red colour shows the table name of the MySQL data base from which the data is mapped, and the prior synchronization information. The import code is the python code used to fetch data from the MySQL to OpenERP.
“Process Data” button imports the data , and this function is scheduled by the OpenERP scheduler.
Fig 6: Customer mapped to OpenERP
jyothi: for quickbook integration with openerp,i have connector and the php master,how to get the connection settings for openerp.can you give the detailed steps".
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