
In Europe with Quality IT solution for Tourism.


Z-Beanz and HOVO Ltd (Croatia) has taken the call of collectively addressing the efficiency of Tourism sector in the European region with Quality IT Services in Destination Management.
We started to think about the idea of DESTINATION MANAGEMENT  from our experience in the Tourism sector.The main problem was how to keep up the quality each and every time for each guest consuming it. This paved way for developing an Integrated Software application system to ensure the quality of each part of the destination’s offer especially in regions where lot of professionals and unprofessional entering tourism not knowing how to steer the quality.
With the use of this Integrated Application linked to the reservation systems , we will achieve that small hotels and other offers (rent a cars, rentals of different things…) have visible their availability on line in real time. By having that we give to the hospitality industry an opportunity of selling their capacities on request, although this requests happen on internet without really calling or emailing messages to providers of services.
As in these times of instability, people do not plan their vacations on a long term basis, tourist agencies linked to us will be able to work with hotels and others without allotment agreements, and sell as guests come. The same for direct buyers/guests they will be able also to do that.
Our goal is to be “sellers” for all the providers within the system. We intend to form our sites based on filtered offers on quality assurance (above mentioned methodology) and segmented market demand.

An embedded “Quality assurance Program page”  will check for the quality of our Providers and let them sell services through our pages.

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