Integrate your Sales inside your Manufacturing workflow

Let us learn how to integrate Sales within your Manufacturing flow in Odoo ERP. Here, you can set up automatic behaviors when somebody buys a product that needs to be manufactured or when some components for production are required.

This is efficient because it helps save time and avoids any bottlenecks, due to missing materials when the manufacturing process has already started. By setting it up correctly, every time when someone buys a product that I need to manufacture, my database automatically creates the related sales orders.

Then, Odoo generates a request for quotation for the components or products that I need from my vendors, and a manufacturing order for the product to be manufactured, a few clicks, and receptions later my employees can start working to answer our customer needs. Now let’s see how to implement it in the company’s database.

So, here’s my database and of course working with such a process requires some setup. Now, we are going to the Manufacturing module and the first thing is to have a Bill of Materials for the product to manufacture.

Let us now go to the Bills of Materials which is at the Products sub-menu. Here, let us now decide to set up the flow for a product at the Bills of Materials list. To do so, we will select a Bill of Material which we have created for a particular product.

Since we want to manufacture this product, we need to activate the manufacturing route on the product form. So, now let us click on the particular product “Drawer” and go to the Inventory tab within the set of tabs which comes after the Purchase tab. Then under Operations, you will see the Manufacture checkbox at the Routes which you need to ensure that it should be selected, as shown in the screenshot below, and click the “Save” button.

Let us now go back to our item, and we want to automate our purchase order so we do not run out of stock for our components. To do so, we need to tell Odoo that these components need to be purchased. So, let us choose one component by clicking on the external link button while clicking on the edit button.

A box will appear which gives the summary of the component we have chosen, and at the Inventory tab you need to make sure that we have selected the checkbox “Buy” under the Routes since we will be purchasing the items from the vendor, and then let’s go to the Purchase tab, and make sure that I have the vendor added here as well.

If not, choose the vendor by clicking on the Add a line button. But that’s not it, we also need to configure some reordering rules to know how many items should be ordered when a sales order is created. 

So let us click on the smart button called Reordering Rules here, and click on the Create button, and then we will simply add our minimum and maximum quantity, then click the Save button.

Let us now go back to the Bill of Material and we already have the other components set up that way as well. So once everything is ready, we can start the flow from the Sales module by creating a new sale order for one of your customers. So let us go ahead and add the product which we had configured, and then Save the quotation and confirm turning it into a sales order, and generate your delivery order.

Now, at the delivery order, you will see that you cannot be able to validate the delivery order, as you have noticed that we do not have the product in stock, and we also need to produce this particular item, and the transfer will be in the waiting stage. Since, some of our components must also be purchased, a purchase order must be created as well as a manufacturing order. Let us now go ahead to the purchase application, and I will notice that no purchase orders have been generated.

We will now go to the Inventory module, and under the operations menu, we will go to replenishment. Then you will be able to see the product, and click on “Automate Orders”. You will then see that the Manufacturing Order has been created, and it should create our purchase order as well. So now, let us go to the Purchase module, where you will find the source document and select the data, and then process the purchase order.

Hence, you will see the number of items or a particular item which we needed to purchase. Let us now go ahead and confirm this order, and we are going to receive those items, and validate. Then apply the demand as the Done quantity, and the product still needs to be manufactured.

So, the next step is to find the manufacturing order under the operations menu and select the data which is ready to process, and mark this as Done, then click on the Apply button..

You will then see that the manufacturing order has been produced. Let us now go ahead and jump into Sales Order, and then at the Delivery, you will see that it has been moved from the waiting stage to the ready stage, which means that you are able to go ahead and deliver this item. So let us validate this, which will apply the Reserved quantity to Done if I haven’t manually modified it. Then, the delivery is done. And finally we will deliver the item to the customer.

With this set up, any organization will be able to get ready to receive any order of manufacturing products, without being afraid of running out of stock for our components.

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