Product Bulk Import Feature in Odoo

In Odoo version 14, a new feature was introduced to enhance more product lines while creating a Sale Order and Purchase Order.

At the Sales module while creating a new Sale Order, instead of manually adding product lines you are able to import large amounts of product lines seamlessly and efficiently in Odoo in just a few clicks.

Product bulk import feature at Sales Order

The product bulk import feature is worked while creating a Sale Order, by initially downloading the sample format and clicking on the “Download Sample Format” button. which is an empty Excel spreadsheet that only shows the headers/column names by default such as Product ID, Name, Quantity, UoM ID and Unit Price.

Sample Format downloaded – An empty spreadsheet Excel file

Here, the Product ID is the product number, Name is the product name, Quantity is the number of that particular product, UoM stands for unit of measure which is the product that can be measured on the basis of weight(kgs), numbers, kits or packets and Unit price, which is the cost of the particular product.

The items are then added into the Excel file following the format, by filling up the product details, which is similar to the sale order line in Odoo.

Sample Excel file – Product items filled as per the format

Once the product items are filled in the Excel sheet, Save the file and then click on the button called “Select File To Upload” button to upload the Excel file which you had filled the product lines in the spreadsheet.

Product lines imported from the Excel file uploaded at Purchase Order

Once the file is uploaded, click on “Import”, so that the additional product lines which were added in the Excel file will automatically get imported into the product lines in Odoo.

An error message will appear if the format of the file uploaded is in JPG, JPEG, PDF, etc.

Once the process gets over, move on converting the Quotation stage to the Sale Order. Please note that the file should be an Excel or a spreadsheet file and will not support any other file formats, such as JPEG, JPG or PDF, etc.

You are also able to see a similar feature of Product Bulk Import in the Purchase module as well, during the Purchase Order creation.

To learn more about the Odoo features, feel free to connect with us and we would be more happy to help you to discuss further.


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