WebDAV (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning) is an open, published standard that allows you to edit documents on a remote web server.
WebDAV supports the following features:
WebDAV in OpenERP can be used for navigating documents ie, openobject attachments
as mentioned above.Follow these procedures to install webdav on OpenERP-6
1. ssh to openerp server and install following packages
easy_install pywebdav
2. edit the configuration file and add the following
enable = True
vdir = webdav
3. install the module “document_webdav” in openerp
4. restart openerp server
5. login to openerp and go to “Knowledge->Configuration->Document management->
DAV properties for folders”
6. create a new record with following contents and save it.
Namespace: DAV
Name: Documents
Directory: Documents
Substitute: yes
Value: (‘href’,’DAV:’,’/%s/%s/Documents/%s’ % (‘webdav’,dbname, username ) )
7. Now you can access the folder “Documents” by mounting the webdav folder
using url “http://DOMAIN.TLD:XMPRPC-PORT/webdav/DBNAME/Documents”
8. To map all folders for partners go to “Knowledge->Configuration->Document management->Directories”
and create and save a new record with the following
Name: All_Partners
Parent Directory: Documents
Type: Folders per resource
Resource: Partner
Domain: [ ]
Find all resources: yes
9. Now you can access all documents associated with partners in the folder “All_Partners”
in the mounted webdav.
joger: " 2. edit the configuration file and add the following" Can you explain witch exactely configuration file you have to edit and where to find it? Thank you to b more specific when you give an HOWTO. I try to connect my ODOO (openERP8) to my OwnCloud server... no success cause I don't see the DAV feature in ODOO...".
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