WebDAV in OpenERP

           WebDAV (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning)  is an open, published standard that allows you to edit documents on a remote web server.

WebDAV supports the following features:

  • Editing: Create, update, and delete files.
  • Properties: Store metadata such as titles, author names, and publication dates. You can set, delete, and retrieve these metadata.
  • Collections: Group resources into collections that are organized like a file system, similar to a directory or desktop folder.
  • Locking: Use locks to prevent others from editing the same content you’re working on in WebDAV. The duration of the locks is independent of any individual network connection. Configure WebDAV in OpenERP

                WebDAV in OpenERP can  be used for navigating documents ie, openobject attachments 
          as mentioned above.Follow these procedures to install webdav on OpenERP-6

            1. ssh to openerp server and install following packages
                          easy_install pywebdav

            2. edit the configuration file and add the following

                          enable = True
                          vdir = webdav

            3. install the module “document_webdav” in openerp

            4. restart openerp server

           5. login to openerp and go to “Knowledge->Configuration->Document management->
               DAV properties for folders

           6. create a new record with following contents and save it.
                  Namespace: DAV
                  Name: Documents
                  Directory: Documents
                 Substitute: yes
                 Value: (‘href’,’DAV:’,’/%s/%s/Documents/%s’ % (‘webdav’,dbname, username ) )

         7. Now you can access the folder “Documents” by mounting the webdav folder
             using url   “http://DOMAIN.TLD:XMPRPC-PORT/webdav/DBNAME/Documents

         8. To map all folders for partners go to “Knowledge->Configuration->Document management->Directories
             and create and save a new record with the following
                Name: All_Partners
                Parent Directory:  Documents
                Type: Folders per resource
                Resource: Partner
                Domain: [ ]
                Find all resources: yes

         9. Now you can access all documents associated with partners in the folder “All_Partners
             in the mounted webdav.



joger: " 2. edit the configuration file and add the following" Can you explain witch exactely configuration file you have to edit and where to find it? Thank you to b more specific when you give an HOWTO. I try to connect my ODOO (openERP8) to my OwnCloud server... no success cause I don't see the DAV feature in ODOO...".

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  1. The authentication in 6.0.2 server is wrong for users having a space between their login name.

    1. fahad says:

      can please be more specific i didn't get you

      1. Jayaprabu says:

        I create the new document Management step by step…
        Now I can’t access the folder “Documents” by mounting the webdav folder
        by using the url http://localhost:8069/webdav/aa11/Documents
        DOMAIN.TLD: localhost
        DATABASE Name: aa11

        1. tomas says:

          please can you help me

      2. tomas says:

        Hi Fahad, thanks for your response.
        In OpenERP 7 when configure virtual folders, system is asking for a storage path. Is this path like type “/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/openerp/filestore/chinamirror” or is like “http://localhost8069/webdav/filestore/chinamirror”
        I have been able to load files (as attachments) in storage like “/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/openerp/filestore/chinamirror” but haven´t been able to see in a browser.
        I don’t understand the right procedure and behavior of the software.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I had been successfully connected with webdav as your provided instruction but problem is i am not able to see all partner folder when i access a Documents folder like ‘http://localhost:8069/webdav//Documents/’
    But when i access thought ftp then i am able to access all partners directory.
    Could you help more for this part ?

  3. tomas says:

    Hi Sirs,
    Just a little more help will be wellcome.
    Which one is the path I have to configure for Documents??
    Is a url (http://ip:8069/webdav), or is a directory in ubuntu /usr/lib/python2.7/…
    testing OPENERP 7

  4. joger says:

    ” 2. edit the configuration file and add the following”
    Can you explain witch exactely configuration file you have to edit and where to find it? Thank you to b more specific when you give an HOWTO.
    I try to connect my ODOO (openERP8) to my OwnCloud server… no success cause I don’t see the DAV feature in ODOO…

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