OpenERP- Joomla Event Management integration

Joomla acts as the front end where all online based communication between the customer and the company takes place. The event registrations done from the Joomla side by using event booking module( In future we can map to other event management module ) is mapped into OpenERP with the help of an Joomla-OpenERP connector. These functionalities are carried out in the following steps:

Workflow Diagram

Event Creation in OpenERP

In this step various events which is organized by the company is created in OpenERP.

Web- Server  Configuration in OpenERP

Synchronization with Joomla

In this step the events which is created in OpenERP is synchronized with Joomla using a scheduler. The scheduler can be scheduled in various intervals(Minutes,Hours,Work Dates, Daily, Weeks, Monthly).So, as and when the scheduler runs new events which is created in OpenERP will be correspondingly created in Joomla. If Events are rescheduled then those details are also updated in Joomla as and when the scheduler runs.



Prospect Registration

As soon as the events are created in Joomla customers/prospects can login and do the registration in Joomla itself. This registration details is fetched into OpenERP using a scheduler which can be run in various intervals(Minutes,Hours,Work Dates, Daily, Weeks, Monthly). As and when the scheduler runs OpenERP checks for any new registration in Joomla and these new registrations are mapped into OpenERP. As soon as a customer registration is fetched in OpenERP an invoice is generated for that particular registration in OpenERP.


Benila: Very nice to see this event management in this list. Soon the customer registration will be fetched in open ERP and an invoice will be generated for that in a particular registered in open ERP. ".

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  1. Marc Vanderstraeten says:

    Can I get some more info here? Is this a better solution then using web services?

  2. Benila says:

    Very nice to see this event management in this list. Soon the customer registration will be fetched in open ERP and an invoice will be generated for that in a particular registered in open ERP.

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