OpenERP Installation In Linux

     OpenERP works as a structure of Server and Client(either GTK client or web client).In this blog we will go through OpenERP server, gtk-client, web-client installations by downloading  source.


OpenERP Server Installation


Install the required packages which include mainly python and its libraries.For the installation pupose we can use the following commands at the terminal


             a) sudo apt-get install python python-psycopg2 python-reportlab python-pychart python-pydot

                 python-egenix-mxdatetime python-lxml python-libxslt1 python-tz python-dateutil python-vobject

                 python-mako python-yaml python-dev python-setuptools

             b)OpenerpERP server uses postgresql database server for its working so, 

                              sudo apt-get install postgresql


              c)Create a  postgresql database user for OpenERP, who can create multiple  databases and manipulate


                         In terminal,    sudo su postgres

                                                createuser myuser -P,  set rights as

                                                Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) n                                 

                                                Shall the new role be allowed to create databases? (y/n) y

                                                Shall the new role be allowed to create more new roles? (y/n) y


            d) OpenERP server can be downloaded from OpenERP website download page  

         as source tarballs


            e)we can test the OpenERP server without installing it by unpacking the archive and starting the

                openerp-server  executable with following commands

                              tar -zxf opnerp-server-6.0.1.tar.gz  (latest stable version)

                              cd openerp-server-6.0.1/bin

                              python ./


             f)OpenERP server can also be installed by using the  

                            tar -zxf openerp-server-6.0.1.tar.gz

                            cd openerp-server-6.0.1

                            python install

                            openerp-server  (for running OpenERP server)  


OpenERP client installation


   client  requires some of its python dependencies to be installed

             a)sudo apt-get install python python-gtk2 python-glade2 python-matplotlib python-hippocanvas


            b)OpenERP client can be downloaded from OpenERP website download page

      as source tarballs


             c) we can test the OpenERP client without installing it by unpacking the archive and starting the

                openerp-client  executable with following commands

                              tar -zxf opnerp-client-6.0.1.tar.gz  (latest stable version)

                              cd openerp-client-6.0.1/bin

                              python ./


            d)OpenERP client can also be installed by using the  

                            tar -zxf openerp-client-6.0.1.tar.gz

                            cd openerp-client-6.0.1

                            python install

                           openerp-client  (for running OpenERP client)


OpenERP web-client


   Web Client also has its own python dependencies to be installed

         a)sudo apt-get install python-cherrypy3 python-pybabel python-simplejson python-formencode

            python-pyparsing python-tz python-xlwt


         b)OpenERP web-client can be downloaded from OpenERP website download page

      as source tarballs


             c) we can test the OpenERP web-client without installing it by unpacking the archive and starting the

                openerp-web-client  executable with following commands

                              tar -zxf opnerp-web-6.0.1.tar.gz  (latest stable version)

                              cd openerp-web-6.0.1/bin

                              python ./


            d)OpenERP web-client can also be installed by using the  

                            tar -zxf openerp-web-6.0.1.tar.gz

                            cd openerp-web-6.0.1

                            python install

                           openerp-web  (for running OpenERP client) gives us a graphical web based interface.


Source From Launchpad


   Till now we were focusing  on latest stable release of OpenERP.It is also possible to have source

from the  daily being updated  launchpad  repoistory for OpenERP.So for downloading the latest

Openerp source codes


                a)  sudo apt-get install bzr


               b)bzr branch lp:~openerp/openobject-server/trunk      (for openerp-server)


               c) bzr branch lp:~openerp/openobject-client/trunk       (for openerp-client)


                d)bzr branch lp:~openerp/openobject-client-web/trunk       (for openerp-web-client)







Anonymouss: include mainly python and its libraries.For the installation pupose we can use the following commands at the terminal ".

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  1. duncan says:

    Hi fahad,
    I have been using Openerp for a while now. I have installed it on a linode server Ubuntu 10.04 . Recently i have observed some strange behaviour, every time i add a new database i cannot login in to the previous databases for a while as i get wrong username and password error.#
    Checking the database and the resusers table confirms that all is well. I have racked my head with this in vain. After maybe a day all goes back to normal.
    Might you have any idea what causes this?

    1. light_noteole says:

      Well done. We re impressed with the value of the knowledge offered. I expect that you keep up with the outstanding job done.

      1. Anonymouss says:

        include mainly python and its libraries.For the installation pupose we can use the following commands at the terminal

    2. john smith says:

      Great i did not know about this installation process.

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