HR, Payroll and Leave Management Module in odoo

Odoo Human Resource management module deals with the management of employees and their related strategies. At First Create an Employee with Required data.

After Employee is Created, To generate the payslip for each employee we have to configure their contracts first. Goto Employees → Contracts

In the Salary information tab, we Can add Wage.

Other Information such as Start and end date, Working schedule, Scheduled pay.

Salary Structure : Create a salary structure for the Employee. Salary Structure contains following fields:




4.Salary rules

Salary structures can be inherited so we can use extra rules for particular employees.

For egs.. If we have a Base salary structure Base for new structures

With salary rules Basic,Gross,Net and if we wanted  to add more rules to separate Employees, we can create another New salary structure which can inherits the Base salary structure.

Salary Rules: The set of rules which define the computation of salary amount of different category. That can be of Basic, Allowance, Deduction, Gross, Net.

Salary rules contain a computation part, which performs computations by Percentage, Python code and fixed amount.

Employees with active contracts needed to create Payslips.

Payslips are created under Employee Payslips Menu.

User needs to provide certain inputs as Employee, Period etc. On selection of Employee, information from related contract is fetched automatically. Now user can confirm the Payslip which does calculation of various salary rules which are configured in Salary Structure.

User needs to provide certain inputs as Employee, Period etc. On selection of Employee, information from related contract is fetched automatically. Now user can confirm the Payslip which does calculation of various salary rules which are configured in Salary Structure.

These computations in detail according to the rule category is on next tab Details By Salary Rule Category.

After Payment Slip is Generated, We can take print of the Payslip generated.

We can generate payslip for a batch of employees. That is enabled under the Payslips batches menu.

When we Click on the GENERATE PAYSLIPS menu, A wizard will come up and select the multiple employees to generate payslips.

Select The Employees Needed to create payslips For and Click on Select button.

Then Click On the Generate Button to create Payslips as batches.

Now the payslips for the Batch of Employees are created.

Leave Management  refers to manage leaves of employees or employers in the company. Leave Management in Odoo ERP facilitates various features for maintaining leave in the company and also tracks records related to the type of leave allocation.

Any company generally consists of Sick Leaves, Legal Leaves, Compulsory Days, Unpaid, Public Holidays, these are to be maintained by HR department. Leaves are allocated to every employee according to profile and these leave records are reviewed during the salary calculation. Leave Management ensures uniform implementation of leave policy of the company and reduces manual HR Monitoring.

Here are the leaves that can be allocated to any employee which can be configured and Edited as per Company Rules.

CEO of the company provide leaves to HR Manager and that HR allocate leaves to all the employees. Leaves be like Legal leaves, Sick leaves, Compensatory leaves and Unpaid leaves.

Leave Allocation:

Leave Allocation Admin can allocate and approve the leaves of each and every employee according to the designation or employee tags.

After Leave Request is Approved,We can see the Summary of the Leaves Under Leaves Summary Menu.

Now The Employee have the total of 15 leaves allocated.

Can create Leave Request directly from Calendar. For this select Leaves > Leave Request > Date of leave.

When we select the date from Calendar we are redirected to Leave Request page. We Can request leave here and if the leave days extend than the allocated days it may generate a Warning for the number of remaining leaves is not sufficient for this leave type.

We Can request leave less than the allocated days.

When Leave Request is approved, It can See in the Calendar Form as below.

Form View Of the Leave Request approved.

Remaining Leaves of the employee can see in their Form View.


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