Asset Disposal Module in Odoo

In Asset disposal module adds ability to dispose off the asset by sales or write-off. Module adds a new button in Asset as “Sell or Dispose”. User can use this button to dispose the asset.

Asset Disposal:

Open the asset that need to be disposed off. Click on the button “Sell or Dispose”.

A new window opens up where the user can enter the required details. Please find below the screenshot of the new window:

Enter the following details in the new window:

    1. Disposal Type : Type of disposal. This can be Sales / Write-off.
    2. Quantity : Number / Quantity of asset that is being sold / write-off. One asset entry may contain multiple quantity of asset. Like 2 Qty of Zebra Printer. Here user can specify the number of assets being sold out of available quantity.
    3. Date : Date in which the asset is sold or written off.
    4. Partner : If the disposal is “Sales”, we can specify the Customer/Partner to whom the asset is sold.
    5. Sale Amount : The price in which the asset is being sold.

Once above details are entered, user can click on button “Apply” to create required accounting entry. An customer invoice will be automatically created by the system if the disposal type is sales.

Asset Disposal Details:

Details of the asset disposal can be seen in a new tab “Asset Disposal” added by the module as shown below:

Asset Disposal Journal Entries (With Example):


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