Employee Appraisal in Odoo

The employee appraisal form is used for tracking details about employee and his performance. By using this system we can identify the performance of employees for different areas and get the details about employees.

The employee appraisal form can locate as Appraisal →My appraisal → Staff Appraisal


From here click ‘Create’ button (refer image Fig. 1) to create the Staff appraisal.

When clicking the create button from the below image (Fig. 2), it will open a form to capture the  details of the employee.

Fig 2

Fig 3

Here you can see a checkbox named ‘show questions’ in the above image (fig:3). When clicking checkbox, you can see the list of questions, configured options and related option score.you have also see total score (fig:6). The below figure (fig:4) shows the questions which is configured in Staff appraisal questions . To configure questions and options check figure : (fig:7)

Fig 4

Fig 5

Fig 6

After entering informations you can now save details by clicking save (fig:5).

Staff Appraisal Questions :

Here you can configure questions which is listed when clicking on ‘show questions’ checkbox on staff appraisal form(fig:3).

The Staff Appraisal questions can locate as  Appraisal →Configuration →Staff Appraisal Questions(fig:7).

Fig 7

From here click ‘Create’ button (refer image Fig. 7) to create the Staff appraisal Questions and you can choose the options which is relevant for the entered question.

When clicking the create button from the below image (Fig. 8), it will open a form to capture the  details of the questions.

Fig 8

Here you can enter the questions and options. To create options for questions click options -> create and edit (Fig:9).

Fig 9

After entering information you can now save details by clicking save.


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