Since the release of the first version of OpenERP, we have seen an great improvement in OpenERP when compared to its previous releases. One of the main changes we can notice is the change in the loading time of each views and the menu navigation time. OpenERP 7 with its new web interface also shows a great improvement in speed.
If we look at other ERP systems like SAP, there is an extra feature available in which the user will be able to search menus for faster navigation between the menus. This feature is missing from OpenERP. If a user knows the name of the menu, he do not need to navigate through its parent menus but can simply enter the name of the menu in the search box and the view corresponding to the selected menu will be opened.
We have developed a new module named web_menu_search which enables the user to search the menus and and navigate to the menu in a single click. After the module web_menu_search is installed, there will be a new search box where the user can enter the menu name to search. A screenshot is shown below:
Menu Search
The user will be able to select all the menu items he has access to. For example, the user Administrator will have access to all the menus and all the menu will be listed. But for the user Demo, he will only have access to some menus and so that menus only will be listed in the dropdown. For example, the admin has access to the menu Users in Settings and Demo user has no access to this menu. So the menu Users will be shown only for user Administrator but not for user demo. A video showing the new feature is shown below:
Module can also be downloaded from launchpad bzr branch lp:~r-launchpadzbeanz/zbeanz/web_addons
Prajul P T: Hi, We have another module for this. Please try ".
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